
Monday, November 28, 2011

Password Recovery: How To Recover Lost Outlook Login Password

--> Microsoft Outlook is one of the most used email client. You can configure your email address with outlook and it will allow you to check emails offline. Users usually keep strong password which is mix with alphabets, special characters and numbers, to prevent unauthorized access of important and confidential emails. Keeping strong password and forgetting it become big problem for user when they forget or lost it. In the password loss situation, MS outlook will not allow user to access their emails. It means user can’t access their own emails because they have forgotten the password and situation become very tough. In this situation mail password recovery is the best solution, it require with some advanced outlook password recovery software.

Apart from using outlook password recovery software there is one more way to reset the lost outlook password. You need to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and ask ISP to assign new password to your account. As per Microsoft outlook guidelines this is only way to reset lost outlook password.

When you have got password from ISP then update your email account settings with new password.
And now you are able to open your email account and check your emails offline.

If you think that it is very lengthy process then use advanced Mail password recovery software which is compatible with your version of outlook. It is advisable that first use demo version of software when you are satisfied with result then go with full version of password recovery tool. Mail password recovery tools come with 100% guarantee of password recovery.
READ MORE - Password Recovery: How To Recover Lost Outlook Login Password

Friday, November 18, 2011

Reset Hacked Gmail Password When You don't Know Recovery Email And Security Question


From last few months I am observing that hackers are become more active to hack personal Gmail accounts of many users. They find several ways to hack your Internet identity (Username and password). Yesterday I have read news which says that approximately one million facebook accounts has been hacked. Because this is era of computer and internet, maximum services are now connected through email ID, and passwords of other services and be reset with the use of Email ID. Our net banking password, credit card information, insurance information can easily being stolen and misused if anyone hacked your email password.

If in any case your email ID password has been hacked then it is advisable to change account settings of all services which is connected to your personal email ID. Once you are through with changing the setting then you need to reset email address password.

When hackers, hack any email ID, first of all they change the following setting of your email account such as email id for password recovery, mobile number and security question, so that you can't reset your password. Today I am going to share if you have Gmail account then how you can reset the password. Gmail still provide a way to reset your password, if you don't have recovery email address, mobile number and security question.

Important thing is to remember the date of creation of your gmail account (You can get it by seeing first email on your account), last remembered password, 5 contact email address and name of few labels. Here I am going to explain the way to recover lost Gmail password, follow the steps written below.......

  1. Open and click on the option “Can't access your account?

  1. Forget password recovery page will open that will ask to enter the email ID for which you want to recover password. Enter email ID and click Submit.

3. In next step captcha will be appear fill it correctly and click continue.

4. A webpage will open which will ask you to choose password recovery method i.e. send password on recovery email id and through mobile number. But you don't have any one of these; you need to click on “verify your identity” link.

5. Now the final form for password recovery will open, try to fill this form correctly (If not remember exact date then fill approx dates). Your password recovery will be depending number of answers you fill correctly or nearby correct. Google will reply you within 24 hours with steps which need to follow for password recovery.

Note: Always keep date of creation of your email ID at safe place, it will help you to recover hacked password. If you not remember date of creation then check your first email send by Gmail team on your email address.
READ MORE - Reset Hacked Gmail Password When You don't Know Recovery Email And Security Question

Friday, November 11, 2011

Best Free Method To Reset Lost Windows Password

Lost windows user account password can be reset with windows administrator account. In case both user account & administrator password has been lost then it is difficult to reset windows password. There are several windows password recovery tools available to reset lost windows password, which work perfectly and reset password in few mouse clicks. All these software are paid and you will have to purchase. If you don't want to spend money on software then there is a way which may help you to reset lost password with yourself by repairing windows operating system.

Follow the steps written below to reset windows password:

1)Insert windows setup CD and boot your system and follow instruction.
2)Press “R” when it asks to repair your existing windows installation.

3)Now setup will start repairing existing windows. It will start copying files.
4)After few minutes your system will restart automatically. At one time "Press any key to continue..." message will appear on the screen, DO NOT press any key at this time. Setup will resume again.
5)A progress bar will display and start doing some other task.
6)Please look carefully on the screen and wait for the time when "Installing devices" will show on the screen, at this point of time, press +F10.

7)Command prompt windows will open, Now type nusrmgr.cpl and press .
8)It will open user accounts, just like which you seen in Control Panel.
9)From here you can reset or remove password of any account.  

If above method doesn't work for you then password recovery software will be best option.
READ MORE - Best Free Method To Reset Lost Windows Password


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